Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Sophomore Video Final

The scope of this project was to film a news package for ONW Now, our school news station and applied the skill we have learned through out the school year. First I had to find someone who has an interesting story as well as being able to tell their story. My first idea didn’t work out due to them not wanting to tell their story, so I found state winner of high school gymnastics and newcomer diver who is qualified for state, Jessie Payne to interview and film at one of her diving practices.

 Then after filming B-roll at the practice, I wrote my twenty-one questions from a template we all were given earlier this year. Interviewed Jessie the next day and upload all my footage, favorite the clips I would like to use. Later in class, I arrange the B-roll and sound bytes to match. Quickly wrote my voice over script around the things I had planned (like the Audio/Podcast Story Jessie Blom).
Time managing went much better this project compared to previous project earlier in this year like the music video from November.

 Something I would do differently if I were to do this again would not stress or freak out due to my perfectionism and understand that we are sophomores and not everything will be perfect. :) Although I think that’s why it turned out the way it did! I loved working with the Broadcast group in our class, it was a great group of people that worked well as a team. I am not only interested to see where this will lead me in the future but as a team as well!! 

Animation Final

For our final project our group, Jacquelynn, Wyatt and I worked together to finish our project. Wyatt came up the idea of the soccer scenario, then made story boards the next day.  Our 'goal' (get because of soccer) was to complete this illusion that this kid was imagining that he was a pro soccer player at  huge stadium but in reality he is at school kicking a soccer ball. My role I played in the group was that I filmed the video portion. When we filmed I made sure to measure the position of the camera like, the height of the tripod, and how far away the subject was to the camera. Jacquelynn made the soccer ball in the Maya program. Wyatt worked on Animation aspect through After Effects like editing the video together and keying the green screen.  In the end, our project turned out well. The only thing that I would change if I would do it again, I would like to have contributed more to the group! Even though, this class isn't my strongest skill to do, I would have liked to have had a larger role or part for the project.


Green Screen 1, 2, 3, 4:

 1.Film on the green screen with the exact measurement from the previous scene.2. Use the color magenta color, to check it any green in shown3.Find your background and key in4.Add in background and see the magic of the green screen
