Sunday, September 27, 2015

Junior Powder Puff T-shirt Design

Pocket design
The scope of this project was to create a Powder Puff T-shirt for the Junior Class for the client. The client wanted the shirt to have a front pocket design and a design for the back of the shirt, that was cute and something a high school junior would enjoy wearing. I sketched ten different designs incorporating a football. Then chose one I would like to push on the computer.

My first shot at my design was a complete fail it was far too busy and wasn't appealing to the eye. I went back to the drawing board and researched front and back designs and noticed how the two designs corresponded with each other. I also noticed that the front was simpler than the large back design. I looked on how to tie the girly, curly handwritten fonts into my design to make it more feminine.  I tried to somewhat keep my original idea, and simplified the design. Continuing on the computer I moved a lot of anchor point after creating the outlines of the text "Juniors." I made the text fit within the shape.
Back design

 I tweaked plenty details like the fonts and making sure the football kept its shape. After I cleaned the design up I was happy with how it turned out.