Tuesday, November 4, 2014

4 Minutes - Music Video

My scope of this project was of the song “4 minutes” by Madonna and Justin Timberlake. The story through out the music video was four girls that had four minutes to saved the world. They are running through out the video in their futuristic light vest along with the dark setting around them. The process to getting to this final idea came about after meeting into our group at least twice. Finalizing the idea we all did a mood board and then met up to make a storyboard. We had call a local laser tag center and arranged to film there. We got all our footage in a day and came back and took about a week to edit all our clips to the final tight, clean edit. Along the way I learned that someone has to take leadership within a group or you will end up never getting anything done. That someone was me; I made sure our group was on task continuously. A thing I would want to do different is giving myself more time to edit for a few reasons. Because you have to have everything right editing or the audience will be distracted by the unattractive edit. With a music video you have to do markers and I like to have organize my shots by the time you do that you are out of time. As well I found as doing the video I would not have wasted too time on the audio of the storyboard if you are editing to the beat. Something I would to is wait a while before shooting because if you just rush out there the first day sure you will have loads of shots but you probably wont have the shots you pictured because you didn’t give yourself enough time to picture it. Experiences I took from this project would be collaboration skills, not only with my classmates that were in my group but as well as being able to contact the laser tag center and set up a date to shoot.

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