Previously getting to know Maya through two earlier projects, for example my Maya Hammer and other small exercises. Summing up everything I know now through my experience, this, piece was my outcome.
Modeling the Ice Cream Shop:
Initially, I start with the setting, is a room with a table. To make the room first I made one plane for the floor and two for the walls. Then added a material for them by holding the right click on the one I was wanting to color, I went to select material and imported a pattern I liked to give it some flare. I then made the table with four cylinders and a rectangular prism. I made sure the pieces matched the grouped them together by going to the drop down mesh to booleans then lastly clicked on union. Then colored it was a glass texture I found.I started with the five scoops of ice cream. After finding the size I wanted, I made one sphere then copied (Command+C) and pasted (Command + V) the other four. Copy and pasting these saved time for me and made sure all the sphere were the same size. After making these spheres I found steam less pattern and textures for flavors chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Then assigned the spheres the material Phong then imported the file for the flavors
Next task was making the cone and bowl. To make the cone you must make two, a large cone and a small. Then click mesh to booleans then difference. For the bowl you do the same, but with cylinders instead of cones. Just as the scoops of ice cream you must assign it a material lather than the default grey lambert. For the cone I googled for a steam less pattern for a waffle cone. And for bowl, I choose a color that would complement the rest of the project. Then made the ice cream scooper and ice cream cone stand and colored it a stainless steel.

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