Salt shaker:
To loft
something you must select
everything you're wanting t
hen click this button. |

I made this dinner salt shaker by shaping the base of the shaker. Then made a skeleton of the body of the shaker. Later used the
lofting tool to make the body of the shaker and colored it blue with a
transparency. Next I made the cap of the salt shaker and then colored in a red
blinn material. Then made the holes of the cap by making the small cylinders and placing them in the lid then select the cap and then all the cylinders then going
Mesh>booleans>difference.The last step in the salt and you make a shape then
bump map the salt texture on the shape.

This project was the introduction to NURBS. NURBS is the Non-Uniforn Rational basis spline. First sat my folder up for the new project
To finish off the cup
I used this revolve tool. |
in my sever folder. Then started working with the
Curve tool and started shaping half of the glass along the grid. Once I had the figure shaped how I would like it. I used the
revolve tool, which finished the other half and made it final shaped of the glass. I repeated this but with I different outline with the curve tool to make the vase. I later found
seamless texture online to use for the glass and vase. I got the texture in the glass by assigning them as a
new material and importing the file. Lastly I set up my lights in order to showcase them the best way possible.
Before editing anything we went and dropped each type of ball we were going to editing and recorded it. Then watch the three videos and collect data of the frames of when it the balls hit floor and when the ball reaches it's highest peak. Next make a sphere and move to according to the data. Press the letter "S" when you are wanting to adding a keyframe. Then do this three times for the tennis, bowling and golfball. Then assigned them a seamless texture.
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