Friday, September 5, 2014

A to B Sequencing

A to B Sequencing:

XWS: Establishes allows the view to understand where she is along with what she is doing.

OTS: Give an variety of shot for he viewer or audience.

WS: Establishes where she is and where she is walking to.

 WS: Allows the audience to follow her to her designation.

MS: Allows variety of shots.

WS: shows the movement of subject and allow to advance to the designation of the film.

WS:shows the movement of subject and allow to advance to the designation of the film.

CU: Gives a detail and transition the film well.

CU OF HANDS: The shots transitions the film well. The shot forwards the story of the well.

XCU: Allows detail and audience to feel the connected to the subject of the film.

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